
Who Cares.

First of all, let me just start off by saying that I am a nanny. And we watch a lot and I mean A LOT of DisneyChannel. But I mean it's whatever right. It's not what it used to be but it's Disney. And everyone loves Disney. Well. Today I had been watching it for about 3 hours now and a commercial came on THANK GOODNESS... and apparently their is this "New Original Movie" coming out soon called "Radio Rebel." And something that she says on the show struck me:
Reject the Status Quo
struck me like a arrow.

ummm new life motto. Right?! It's genius. High School Musical told me to "Stick" to the Status Quo but... man doesn't this just sound so much better??

I mean why not. Why stick to it? It's so lame. Be who you are. Don't blend in with the rest of the world, don't you think that's too boring? You were born to Stand Out. All of us. Being different is what makes this world so special. It's what makes you special. Get out there and dance. Change can be a scary thing but it can also be a good thing. 

Don't be afraid of what everyone else is going to think. Haters? umm chaaa. They gonna hate weather you do something wrong or right. Me personally, I'm tired. I'm tired of caring so much about other peoples thoughts of me. Like sue me I don't caya lol. Do you and only you. At the end of the day all you need is love and all you have is who you are.

Get out there and dance, stand out, and REJECT the status quo. I dare you.