
Friday Letters.

Dear Miller,
The Temple this Friday!!!!  SO HAPPY :)

Dear weird man sitting next to me at the library,
STOP. Stop staring at me!! Have you never seen a girl before!?
Honestly. Also. You have B.O.

Dear Work,
I've been enjoying you a lot lately... lets see how long it lasts
thanks for the paycheck though

Dear Boost,
Thank you for being the Australian version of Jamba Juice.
You save me.

Dear Adele,
If this rumor is true about you singing at Jennifer Aniston's wedding in Hawaii
don't sing "Someone Like You." Do "Make You Feel My Love"
or something lovely... maybe write a new one.. ;)
Dear Facebook,
You've become SO boring as of late. 

Dear Stake YSA,
Honestly. My friends should meet you... we would be hilarious.

Dear Mariah Carey,
You are honestly the FAKEST person I've ever seen and listened too....
Get. It. Together.

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